The Scholomance Project
Explore the esoteric! Join Troy the Devil-Man as he interviews fascinating guests for thought-provoking discussions on topics from all corners of Western esotericism and the occult.The Scholomance Project strives to aid students of the occult arts in their exploration of Western esotericism. Experience and learn from some of the great minds in occultism. The broad range of topics examined will engage aspirants at all levels of attainment, whether newly curious or a dedicated practitioner. No matter where you are on The Path of your own Great Work, if your spiritual interests or curiosity fall somewhere outside of the mainstream this podcast is for you. Aspire. Explore. Inspire.
The Scholomance Project
Part 2 from EFC2021 "Jaime Paul Lamb's Freemasonry and Western Esotericism"
Troy the Devil-man
Season 1
Episode 5
This short talk right at the beginning of Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference 2021 was presented by Brother Jaime Paul Lamb to argue that, at least according to the accepted academic definitions, Freemasonry falls under the term “Western Esotericism”. Meant to be an introduction to the topic, Br. Lamb presents some basic definitions and then briefly outlines the important figures in the recent history of the study of Western Esotericism.
A special thanks to Br. Lamb for sharing this with us. His latest book “The Archetypal Temple” is available from Tria Prima Press. Please support his important scholarship. https://triaprima.co/2021/08/18/new-book-the-archetypal-temple-and-other-writings-on-masonic-esotericism/